Our Elders are responsible in serving in the capacities of helping the church in these areas:

DOCTRINE - What is taught from the Bible and where it leads us
DIRECTION - The places we go and things we do as a whole to honor God the the most
DEVOTION - To help those of our church grow in relationship towards each other and God.


Matt is a native Texan who loves Jesus, his wife and kids, CrossFit, and doing fun things!  Some of his favorite scriptures are: Psalm 27:1, Galatians 2:20, and Deuteronomy 18:13.  Krystal and Matt got married in 2008, and have two little guys - Gideon and Titus.  Matt is always down for a conversation, coffee, and Chick-fil-A.

I was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico and have lived in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho all of my life. I grew up in a home that loved and feared the Lord where both of my parents were involved in the church early on in my life. I gave my life to Christ when I was in middle school and have been growing in what it means to follow Christ ever since. I met my wife Kristi in the rough early years of college and I’m convinced Christ placed her in my life to save me from myself. We dated for 4 years and then got married July 5th of 2014. We have two beautiful daughters, Kinley (6) and Kadley (5). They fill our lives with joy and adventure. I am a firefighter with Albuquerque Fire Rescue and have been with them for 8 years now.
Early on in my journey of being a husband and father, I wasn’t leading my home the way Christ has called me to lead it. But through authentic community and a lot of challenging conversations, the last three years I have seen the most growth in my walk and relationship with Christ. I desire to do life the way Christ calls us to. My heart has truly been, whatever it is Lord use me. Whether it’s setting up and tearing down the church, preaching, meeting someone for coffee to discuss hard things, anything… I Am AVAILABLE. Send me.

Bryce has been following Jesus since 2014. He is a business banker, a husband to his beautiful wife (Haley) father to a beautiful daughter (Harper) and he doesn't want to leave out his dog, Elly. He has a passion for helping people know who Jesus is and living their lives for Him.  Bryce currently serves on the First Light Team and leads a Men's Community Group

I’ve been married to my best friend Jordan for 8 years. We have two wonderful kids Barrett (6) and Shiloh (1). I’ve been a Christian for the last 20 years. Through that time I have seen God’s faithfulness in my mess. Without Him I am nothing and am a ship drifting on the sea. My interests, because of God’s work in my life, are eschatology, soteriology, and apologetics. Some of the men that have tremendously influenced my Christian walk are Chuck Missler, Chuck Smith, and Charles Stanley. Their faithfulness to God’s written Word have spurred me to believe that God says what He means, and means what He says. At Awaken I am privileged to serve as a drummer for worship and as a substitute for Awaken kids.