For even the Son of Man came not to be served,
but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many.

Mark 10:45

We have a saying that is really more a lifestyle around here.  Ready for it? Here it is:
We have seen this prove as the greatest equalizer for all of humanity and for every area of service.
We want more than anything for you to live life to the fullest...and in God's Kingdom,
you experience that when you give your life away


Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom

Interested in serving, but don't know just where?
Use this form to help you get the ball rolling and we can connect!

Don't know what you're "gifted in?"
 Take some time to check out this Gift Finder resource!

God has given all of us different gifts, talents, and abilities. As Christian’s we are called to use those abilities to serve those around us and build up the Church. It won’t always but easy but we know that it is worth it! Even Jesus served and we want to encourage you to do the same!

Below are two different applications:

1. Teaching/Leading Team Member
2. Team Member 

#1 refers to positions like teaching/assisting kids ministry, leading a community group or any position where you are leading people in growing in and understanding the Bible.  

#2 refers to positions like  Set up/Tear Down, Production, Greeting, and others where you can get quickly plugged in with a great community and start to make connections. 

We make this distinction because the Bible states that those who teach God’s Word 
must do so with reverence and high accountability. 
Those who teach God’s Word should read it, believe it, 
and live it out before and as they teach it. 

We ask that you prayerfully consider where God has called you to serve.


Questions about serving?

We'd love to clarify any serving questions with you.  Please reach out if you still have questions.